Boletín 499

Attorney alert environmental hazards in Lake La Cocha in Nariño

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office is concerned about the current state of Lake La Cocha, the second largest water body in the country, located in the district's Encano municipality of Pasto (Nariño).

This ecosystem has been elevated to the category "Ramsar wetland" rating given by the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance. The Division for Environmental and Agricultural Affairs warns that without the existence of the official study of the capacity of the lagoon, there has been an increase in the allocation of permits for fish farming, which significantly affects pollution water.

In a communication addressed to the Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the special prosecutor sought to expedite the completion of that study considered indispensable, as it provides vital information to ensure sustainable development and conservation lagoon.

On the other hand, is alarming for the prosecution that the information on permits related facility bed occupancy by Corponariño as competent environmental authority, and information from the fish farming licenses submitted by the National Aquaculture and Fisheries (AUNAP ), shows no relationship or consistency between permits issued by both entities. He argues that the special prosecutor under the Agreement 009 October 2, 2003, issued by INCODER (former fishing authority), the environmental authority must grant permission for occupation of the channel prior to the issuance of permits to fish farming.

As part of its preventive management, the Agency is evaluating the process of the respective studies, that this would streamline with social and environmental criteria permitting the water body and the development plan thoroughly fisheries and aquaculture.

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