Boletín 537

Attorney anticipates oral proceedings against Thomas Hospital exgerente Uribe Tulua (Valle del Cauca)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

This June 1, from 9:00 in the morning, the Attorney General's Office will advance public hearing against Mr. Martin Alonso Cuellar Lozano, who at the material time he served as manager of the Hospital Department Tomas Uribe Uribe Tulua (Valle del Cauca), for possible irregularities of the contract.

The diligence of a verbal nature will be held in the Regional Office located in Valle del Cauca Nro.8 Race 9-56, in the city of Santiago de Cali.

Possible anomalies are related to the process, selection and execution of two contracts for work, which would have been held without observing objective selection procedures of the contractor; meet prerequisites for holding such contracts, as the study of market prices; technically and economically support the earlier study and without the required three bids for the selection dial.

Given this last point the Attorney said that without the existence of these proposals "(...) is not possible to establish a price, to indicate that it was before the most favorable, additionally, in the contracts did not detail the activities to be performed or the quantities, unit value and total value. "

The Attorney General notes that in this case would have presented possible irregularities in these two contracts, it did not satisfy the general requirements set forth in the State Procurement Act for celebration and improvement.

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