Boletín 728

Attorney anticipates serious actions against human rights situation in the department of Cauca

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

As a result of violent actions that have occurred recently in the department of Cauca, the Attorney General's Office assesses the situation of human rights of peasants and indigenous communities in the municipalities of Toribio, Jambaló and Algeria through the direct presence of the provincial prosecutor of Santander de Quilichao in Transitional Justice Committee of its jurisdiction, the agency tables. In turn, been carrying out actions for the protection of Human Rights in cooperation with the Ombudsman's Office and the Municipal.
On instructions from the Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, the Public Ministry formed a special committee today made a verification of the conditions of the population of these municipalities Cauca.

The supervisory body will advance preventive actions and intervention against the territorial competent authorities to demand the attention and humanitarian assistance required by people affected and to prevent Human Rights violations and breaches of IHL.

Preventive action also aims to articulate and coordinate with the Regional Office, provincial prosecutors and criminal prosecutors coordination to advance the action to respect, guarantee and protection of community rights.

Also, create conditions for establishing areas of cooperation between indigenous communities and the police on security measures to be taken to protect the population.

Among the preventive activities that are planned will develop processes for dialogue with indigenous communities, a meeting of the Public Ministry intra and inter with the Armed Forces, the Ombudsman and the departmental and municipal governments and meetings with communities.

Taking into account the new legal framework for the care, support and reparation to the victims of internal armed conflict, the attorney, once stocked the above verification visit will activate the Regional Committee of Public Prosecutions for Transitional Justice for further action backing for the guarantee and protection of human rights of citizens.

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