Boletín 005

Attorney boost municipal level efforts aimed at countering violence against women

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

• The last cases occurred in the departments of Atlantico and highlight the need for Santander in Colombia urged to continue working at all levels from prevention and awareness with men and women to overcome gender-based violence.

Although Colombia Law 1257 of 2008 adopted a policy relevance in order to guarantee all women a life free of violence in recent days there have been several cases of gender based violence to the Attorney General's Office will generated a deep concern and highlight the urgent need for the Government and local governments continue to work on awareness, prevention, adequate care and appropriate punishment with the aim of completely eradicating violence against women.

In Barranquilla were two cases, one occurred on December 28, when a woman aged 20 years and nine months pregnant, was assaulted by her partner strongly in response to a claim that it made him, also the night of the year Again, a woman was incapacitated due to strong physical abuse gave him her boyfriend when she decided to exercise their right to refuse to have sex with him. The case of Santander, also occurred on the night of December 31 was equally violent, as the wife of 23 years of age received 14 stab wounds by her ex-boyfriend after an argument.

For the prosecution these cases are a sign that gender-based violence remains latent in Colombia, cases of psychological harm, physical, sexual, and / or equity against women is unfortunately still present daily and men continue using the power and violence as an everyday way of relating, solving their problems, differences and conflicts with beatings and attacks and falling into the fatal mistake of believing that when it comes to their sexuality any behavior is allowed, reflecting the unequal power relations in which one party feels he has the right to control, intimidate and attack the other.

The Prosecutor for the Defense of the Rights of the Child Adolescent and Family Ilva Hoyos Myriam Castaneda, said that this is the right time for new mayors, mayors, governors, the governors and district councils Social policy and city made a diagnosis of the real situation faced by women in each of their regions and thus build public policies with a gender perspective and to provide resources to address the issues themselves, not to mention that when tries to eradicate such violence programs and projects must advance also to men, because they, in most cases the perpetrators.

It also calls on the authorities to comply with the obligation to take protective measures are necessary in such cases as: order the abuser to vacate the room house he shares with the victim and / or abstain from entering wherever it is, order the Police Authority, if requested by the victim, accompanied by this for reimbursement to the address, and / or order a special protection of the victim by the police authorities both at home and in your workplace, or any others that are necessary to protect women victims (Article 17 of Law 1257 of 2008).

In this sense, it is appropriate to invite all the authorities and the general public, to know the four decrees of the Law 1257 of 2008, which develop the way forward for the adoption of measures of prevention, protection and care the said Act provides: (i) Decree No. 4463 of November 25, 2011 in the workplace, (ii) Decree No. 4796 of December 20, 2011 in the field of health, (iii) Decree No. 4798 of December 20, 2011 in the field of education and (iv) Decree No. 4799 of December 20, 2011 in the field of justice, which are available on the website of the Office on the link 'Equity and gender. "

Finally, the Attorney General's Office will continue to work argues strongly across all its delegates for the purpose of ensuring compliance with international treaties that seek to eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence against women, which is committed involving Colombia and guarantee the effective enjoyment of Human Rights more than half of its population, including women.

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