Boletín 507

Attorney confirmed dismissal and disability for six months exconcejal of Hispania (Antioquia)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office confirmed the dismissal and disability for six months at first uttered against Jesus Maria Posada Chavarria exconcejal of Spain, for abusing his duties as a public servant and use the profit from the position which he held.

According to the disciplinary investigation conducted by the Provincial Attorney Andes, Mr. Posada Chavarria requested gifts in exchange for favoring the election of a citizen as secretary of the council of that municipality and at the end the vote count was not chosen. In this situation he was forced to return $ 500,000 that had been delivered in advance of the originally requested $ 2,000,000, of which the claimant first gave the sum of $ 300,000 and the remaining amount in installments.

Consider the Attorney General, whose proceed excabildante negatively impacted the work and image of the council and caused distrust among citizens, a situation that transcends the social sphere, given the role it played as a representative of the public and be in charge political control of the local authority.
Failure attributed to exconcejal was rated as serious misconduct by way of fraud.

In view of the discipline is not exercising a public office, the main sanction of suspension became a fine (Article 46, paragraph 3 of the CDU) equal to six (6) months from the date received for the facts , a value that amounts to $ 3,257,280 of legal tender.

The first instance disciplinary decision was duly executed because the discipline not appealed. 

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