31 boletín
sábado, 21 enero 2012 03:16 AM

Attorney confirmed dismissal of Ivan Moreno


The Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, confirmed the dismissal and disability for 20 years handed down in open court Nestor Iván Moreno Rojas, in his capacity as senator.

At about 3 am on Saturday January 21, the chief public prosecutor concluded his presentation and responded to each of the arguments raised by the defense of Moreno exparlamentario his application for reinstatement.

In furtherance of the public hearing that exceeded 14 hours, the head of the Control Authority stated that Mr. Moreno Rojas he applied undue Nule group members, which committed the crime of extortion, which constitutes a disciplinary offense of according to paragraph 1 of Article 48 of the Single Disciplinary Code.

During the reading of single-instance disciplinary ruling, the attorney general said the investigation improperly requested exclusive use areas of Bogotá-Girardot grant to build gas stations, which was dedicated business to his wife.

The second misconduct which was also confirmed by the Control Authority is related to the demand made to Mr. Nule of a commission of 6 percent of construction contracts that were awarded in the city of Bogotá.


PGN | Fecha Publicación: sábado, 21 enero 2012 03:16 AM

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