Boletín 007

Attorney dismisses teacher Córdoba

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

Firm was the dismissal and disability for 10 years Mrs. Mary Marly Manchego Tapias, who despite being disabled by the State to hold public office continued working as a teacher in an educational institution owned by the municipality The Shunning (Córdoba).

The Regional Office of Córdoba stated that since April 23, 2008 Mrs. Tapias Manchego served as full-time teacher in the town in the remote and, according to the disciplinary record certificate issued by the attorney on March 18 2011, is disabled for a period of 11 years, took enforceable decision on 16 September 2009.

Consequently, the teacher was disabled to continue in the exercise of departmental teaching position, however, remained in office despite having knowledge that exists against a disciplinary sanction of dismissal and disability.

For the prosecution it is clear that in this case there was a supervening disability as this is "a matter that affects the performance of duties by the presence of an event that occurs during their performance, and that did not exist when you take possession of position in question or pretending to access the service. "

The fraudulent conduct was described as taking into account that the teacher continued to perform functions, being aware of the disability "so it was mandatory to inform the nominator from the disability that he suffered, and do not clearly and manifestly disregarded and violated mandatory standards. "

The court ruling was not appealed by Mrs. Manchego Tapias and therefore the decision becomes final.

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