Boletín 561

Attorney implements actions against state agencies for non-demise of the General Account Budget and Treasury and Balance Sheet of the Nation

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

Based on communications from the Comptroller General of the Republic of the months of February and March this year, Attorney General's Office issued Resolution 148 of May 15, 2012, by which he gave instructions for the demise of not General Account Budget and Treasury and Balance Sheet.
First appointed as special prosecutor for the Public Treasury as special officer to further disciplinary investigation and 11 cases fail determinant.
Second, send commands to the offices of Internal Disciplinary Control of each of the 117 entities referred to in Resolution 148 of May 15, 2012 copies of communications from the Comptroller General's Office for conducting the investigations disciplinary Where appropriate, except that the Attorney General's Office will advance research.
And as a third measure, to appoint the special prosecutor for the Economy and Public Finance in charge of exercising vigilance over to initiate disciplinary proceedings offices Internal Disciplinary Control of the 117 institutions that reported the alleged inconsistencies.

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