Boletín 027

Attorney issued precautionary warnings to mayors and managers of hospitals (ESE) of Fredonia, Antioquia

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

In developing its preventive role, the Attorney General's Office issued an alert to the mayors of the municipality of Fredonia (Antioquia) to ensure adequate and effective participation of women in decision-making levels of the different branches and bodies of public power. In this regard he recalled that the Act 581 of 2000 is in full force and must be complied with fully by all elected municipal leaders.

With the same purpose, other early warning addressed to the managers of the State Social Enterprises (ESE) local hospitals and mayors in their capacity as presidents of the respective boards of these entities, demand and comply strictly with the regulations established by law for election or reelection of the managers of local ESCOs, who shall be appointed for institutional four (4) years.

On high alert Control Body emphasized that the procedure should advance to provide the manager of that hospital is a discussion on merits, which must be accomplished by forming a triad, within three months from the beginning of the period the head of the respective territorial entity of which the nominator choose the relevant manager, or to be the case and be regulated by the board, due process must be managed for re-election of anyone holding the office , which may be made only once, provided it complies with the evaluation indicators identified in the prior regulations or competitive basis.

In the letters, the attorney Fredonia provincial leaders urged the jurisdiction to give full effect to the Act, in order to avoid the resulting disciplinary jurisdiction of the Provincial Prosecutor and the disciplinary sanctions that may apply.


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