Boletín 564

Attorney makes the statement of charges against former Governor of Caquetá

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office statement of objections made by Mr. Juan Carlos Claros Pinzon, in his capacity as Governor of Caquetá for the period from 1 January 2004 until December 31, 2007, for any irregularities presented on the occasion the conclusion of a cooperation agreement.

The determination also disciplinary blanket to Mrs. Pilar Victoria Lemus Cleves, as general secretary (governor in charge) of the department of Caquetá, at the time of the incident.

The prosecution questioned the conduct of regional exmandatario, who appears to have started the tendering process, applicable for the amount of the amount, to improve the entrance to the ring road to a school located on the road Morelia, in the Acolsure district municipality of Florence (Caquetá), and conversely, would have allowed the conclusion of a cooperation agreement signed on 10 December 2007 to carry out works of improvement identified.

Attorney warns that the disputed agreement was signed by Mrs. Cleves Lemus, acting as governor in charge of the department. The figure of the cooperation agreement was based on the Constitution and other laws which were not applicable because it is a public works contract and be expressly excluded from the scope.

It was also investigating Ms. Pilar Victoria Cleves for possible abuse while carrying out their duties as governor to hold charge that agreement with a foundation, without having taken office since the day December 10, 2007 former Governor John Carlos Claros the charge of his duties and took office on December 11. Nevertheless, before taking office, ie December 10, 2007, held the mentioned cooperation agreement.

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