Boletín 049

Attorney monitored especially investigations in cases of stray bullets that have affected children

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office, through the head of the Public Ministry, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, expressed his sympathy to the parents and relatives of the eight-year old girl was killed by a stray bullet in the city of Cali, and announces that it will monitor especially research carried out against the alleged perpetrators caught as by these facts, and the course of other investigations related to stray bullets in recent weeks have affected children in different regions of the country.

The Attorney General's Office calls for the National Police and other authorities responsible for designing new strategies to avoid creating within the company dedicated to gangs and gang crime, as these undermine the peaceful coexistence and prevent children grow up in healthy and harmonious.

It is also considered necessary for institutions to implement new educational campaigns in which messages promoting respect for life, peaceful coexistence, tolerance and respect towards the other, and raise awareness among citizens that life without values ​​can not be protected.

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