562 boletín
viernes, 8 junio 2012 09:45 AM

Attorney trained through Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Manizales, municipal authorities, government officials, principals and teachers of schools and managers of all hospitals in the region on volcanic risk


Taking into account the problems and the risk that these days we live in the department of Caldas, in addition to other departments located in areas of influence of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano, and the orange alert was declared in the city of Manizales and persists the likely eruption in days or weeks, the Attorney General's Office conducted a few days ago a volcanic hazard training, thinking about the importance of preventive education regarding the risks they are exposed to thousands of citizens.

The activity carried out in compliance with the preventive role of the Public Ministry was held in the Founders Theatre in the city of Manizales, Caldas, with an attendance of over 600 people including officials from all levels of the mayors of this city, Chinchiná , Palestine and Villamaría, and officials of the Government of Caldas, principals and teachers of public and private educational institutions, decentralized managers and directors of clinics and hospitals in this area of ​​the department.
The training, organized by the Regional Office of Caldas, was issued by the director of the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Manizales, who discussed topics such as: what are volcanoes, volcanic activity levels, what are the recommendations if ash emission, what are the recommendations in case of an eruption and what risks they are exposed in the region due to volcanic activity.
Finally, it emphasized only accept and disseminate recommendations and news coming from official sources such as Ingeominas and / or the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Manizales, municipalities and Interior Department, for the April 19 due to mismanagement that give some citizens to social networks, news and spread misinformation that caused panic in some parts of the city.

PGN | Fecha Publicación: viernes, 8 junio 2012 09:45 AM

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