40 boletín
lunes, 23 enero 2012 05:20 PM

Attorney visited Antioquia to advance preventive institutional activity and plot governance guidelines for new leaders


In the development of preventive activity organized by the Provincial Attorney Rionegro (Antioquia), the Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, gave his lecture on public ethics at an event that was attended by over 250 people , including mayors and municipal ombudsmen were 23 municipalities in eastern Antioquia.
In his presentation, the Chief Public Prosecutor highlighted the values ​​and respect for the family as a concrete step to combat corruption in Colombia.
"This phenomenon can be tackled from two scenarios: one institution, which develops from the exercise of punitive duties either in the fiscal framework, criminal or disciplinary work currently articulated and have produced important results, and from the field cultural, which is essential to strengthen the family as the stage for disseminating the principles and values. "
In that sense, the attorney general said that public policy can not ignore the social realities, otherwise they would be sharpening practices that promote corruption.
Speaking to the media
Upon completion of the conference at the Convention Center Comfenalco Quirama located in the village in the municipality of El Carmen de Viboral, 5 kilometer road Rionegro-La Ceja (Antioquia), the Attorney General's Office ruled on various topics of interest public opinion:
- Referring to the investigation carried out against the former mayor of Medellin, Alonso Salazar, for alleged involvement in politics, the governor emphasized that this research advances in the context of the verbal and will be resumed by the attorney delegated in this case, Dr. Maria Eugenia Carreño , on 30 January.
- On the other hand, reported that the Public Ministry, through the Executive Environmental and Agricultural Affairs in the framework of its powers has taken action with the Ministry of Environment and sustainable development in order to ensure that the construction of the tunnel from the east in Antioquia, which is suspended, will develop within the law.
- Opposite the general subject of Alfonso Plazas Vega, Attorney reiterated that the Public Prosecutor ordered his acquittal because it found that it lacked the evidence that would establish a conviction: "We were critical during and after (...) was issued the appeal court decision on the grounds that the evidence does not allow a conviction. "
- Regarding the so-called "carousel" of recruitment, Dr. Ordóñez Maldonado noted the decisions taken since the previous year, including the removal of various directors and officers of the IDU, and the recent dismissal of the former Senator Iván Moreno Rojas facts this issue. It also stressed that the Attorney enrolled in other research about possible irregularities in the road construction 26.
Recommendations against election of ombudsmen
Finally, the attorney general ruled against the election of ombudsmen in Colombia, to which he recalled that the legal framework of elections of these officers is clearly established and in that sense, the system of disqualifications and incompatibilities must be respected.
The ombudsmen serve similar functions to those of the attorney general. Their skills are closely linked to defend the interests of society and guarantees of citizens.
He said the head of the Attorney General that these servers have two conditions are society and state. Society they represent society's interests, defend their rights, protect the collective interests and public property, and institutions because it has preventive functions, disciplinary and judicial intervention.
He also noted that the country is overdue for re-legitimize reengineer this institution in the country and reduce the more than 1000 functions currently assigned to them, so that it can effectively fulfill the benefit of control and will be translated into institutional strengthening and ensuring the rights of citizens.
Faced with the choice of the ombudsmen, the head of the Public Ministry said emphatically that in the country are warning of corruption cases where the council sold the vote to elect representatives and controllers. This reported to the Attorney General concluded "poisoning the election and the official, obliterating or caricaturing the role and becoming instruments are ruling coalitions," he said.
Before the Public Prosecutor have filed complaints about such illegal acts, which are the subject of investigation.

PGN | Fecha Publicación: lunes, 23 enero 2012 05:20 PM

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