Boletín 435

Attorney will follow up on actions agreed by national and local authorities to address health sector crisis in Chocó

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The complex situation facing the health sector in the department of Chocó was analyzed at the request of the Attorney General's Office during working hours for monitoring and preventive control of the health sector in that department, which took place in the city in Pretoria on 26 April, in which event reported serious shortcomings in the provision of health services.

One of the issues discussed was the decision to liquidate the current Departmental Health Secretariat (DASALUD). The governor of Chocó will present next June 14 the final proposal for the settlement and establishment of the new unit, including all technical components of the settlement process and the respective administrative acts. The prosecutor for the Decentralization and Local Authorities warned that the proposal should consider strategies to overcome the shortcomings of DASALUD and you should not create a model that is not fully funded and properly responsible for the rights of users.

Weaknesses in the management of Caprecom

Representatives of users, especially indigenous communities, reported that Caprecom, operator of health service subsidized regime has not provided services effectively in charge, does not provide drugs or guarantee the realization of the treatments required by patients. It was also noted that when they have requested transfers (remittances) to lending institutions on sites distant from the place of residence of patients, families must provide for the cost of fuel for ambulances.

It was reported that the serious shortcomings of health care in the municipality of San Juan killed five indigenous children from 3 months to 5 years and recently had four children died in the Alto Baudo.

These situations lead to consider the need for the operation of the service that currently handles Caprecom be delivered to another EPS, to ensure the timely and efficient patient care.

Commitments will be verified by the Attorney

During the working day (attended by the national superintendent of Health, Deputy Minister of protection, the governor of Chocó, the Mayor of Pretoria, DASALUD officials, the national director of Caprecom, representatives of the subsidized regime EPS and the IPS of the public and representatives of users), agreed commitments whose implementation will be verified by the Attorney General's Office.

As already stated, the Governor shall submit the proposal Choco final settlement of DASALUD and the draft ordinance on June 14. Administrative acts that define the new institution must be issued no later than 27 July next.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare, the National Superintendence of Health and the Agency, required the EPS and local authorities to submit report on public health actions in the department, whose deadline is Wednesday, May 30.

The National Health Authority should review the bidding process for granting the San Francisco Hospital and deliver a report on the status of DASALUD on Thursday May 10. Also, on July 26 will provide the department a plan of action for health management and improvement.

Meanwhile DASALUD publish on its website information on their debts to local authorities, shall audit the unaudited accounts and report on judicial processes, embargoes, labor liabilities, parafiscal contingent values ​​and figures. Additionally, you should request information from each municipality on the eradication plan, contracting with the public and the general state of health care - subsidized system, and consolidate a performance report public health resources in the department, by May 30.

Caprecom DASALUD and must publish on their websites indicators of service delivery. Caprecom also present a report on the public health contract requested by the Agency, and shall settle the contract with the ESE San Francisco, before 30th May.

Next May 15th will be a regional meeting for the liquidation of contracts subsidized regime of all lifetimes, with the participation of the Regional Office, the Governor of Chocó, DASALUD and municipal mayors. On 23, 24 and May 25 will come on a day of reconciliation and EPSS mayors, led by Supersalud.

Follow up the commitments made during this conference were socialized by the City Attorney in Pretoria on Friday August 10. The Control Agency will promote training for citizen oversight network, for better participation and monitoring health issues in the department.

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