4 boletín
miércoles, 4 enero 2012 09:30 AM

Attorney, pursuant to the disciplinary function, investigate alleged irregular conduct reluctant to refer 50 mayors management report on childhood, adolescence and youth


In development of the preventive and management control, the Attorney General's Office, through for the Defense of the Rights of the Child, Youth and Families, received the management report on the guarantee of rights of children, adolescents and youth of the 32 governorates, the Capital District of Bogota and 1052 municipalities.

Despite several requests and extensions, 50 mayors of different municipalities (4.53%) failed to submit the requested report to December 31, 2011. These were:

Antioquia: Arboletes, Camp, Cisneros and Dabeiba.

Atlantic: Cross Country, and lice.

Bolivar: Achi, Cicuco, Magangué, Montecristo, Morales, San Estanislao and Soplaviento.

Cauca: Almaguer, Buenos Aires, Guapi, Lopez de Micay, Purace, Timbío, Timbiquí, Totoro, Villarrica.

Cesar: San Alberto.

Choco: Acandí, Bahia Solano, Bethlehem Bajirá, jury, and Sipí Novita.

Cordoba: Los Cordobas, Puerto Libertador and San Carlos.

Cundinamarca: Beltran and San Cayetano.

La Guajira: Barrancas.

Magdalena: Swirl.

Santander: Carcasí, Landazuri, San José de Miranda and Valle de San José.

Sucre: Chalan, El Roble, Guaranda, La Union, Majagual, Sucre and Tolu Viejo.

Tolima: Anzoategui and Cunday.

Vichada: Cumaribo.

The Prosecutor for the Defense of the Rights of the Child, Youth and Family, Ilva Hoyos Myriam Castaneda, requested an investigation into alleged irregularities allegedly committed by the mayors of these municipalities, not having submitted the report of public accountability referred to in Article 204 of Law 1098 of 2006 (Code of Children and Adolescents).

The Attorney General's Office, with technical support from UNICEF, The review of management reports submitted by the governors and mayors in the country, in order to submit a consolidated report on the situation of child rights, adolescence and youth, which will be released in the first half of 2012.

PGN | Fecha Publicación: miércoles, 4 enero 2012 09:30 AM

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