Boletín 161

By court ruling, Attorney and former mayor suspended the former secretary of infrastructure Villavicencio (Meta)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office, by determining the first instance, sanctioned by suspending his performance of duties for a period of one month to Mr. Hector Manuel Caamano Chacón and Pedro Henríquez Alejandro Rojas, in his terms as mayor and secretary of Infrastructure Villavicencio (Meta), for the time of the events.

The research issue was in June 2007, the date on which under the guise of manifest urgency emergency decreed by the winter, contracting with an architect to carry out works in the areas of Playa Rica, the hills, the Falklands and the Nohora, even though it was fall within legal cause of inability to contract with the State.

The disciplined incurred serious misconduct, which is different relaxing checks on compliance with the figure of manifest urgency to circumvent it altogether, given that, within six months of execution of the work not performed in the respective verification system Registration Information Penalties and Causes of Inability (IRIS).

Because it is not currently linked to by the suspension will become fine for a month's salary for the time of the events. The decision was appealed by the defense of the investigation, action will be decided by the Disciplinary Board.


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