Boletín 404

By court ruling, Attorney punishes former governor of Caquetá

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office suspended from office for a term of two months Mr. Juan Carlos Claros Pinzon, in his capacity as Governor of Caquetá department for the period between 2004-2007, by contractual irregularities.

The first instance disciplinary determination also affects Mr. Fernando Hernandez Daniel Hernandez, in his capacity as head of legal department and Ms. Pilar Victoria Lemus Cleves, in his capacity as General Secretary of the Interior of the department of Caquetá.

According to the investigation conducted in 2007, those sentenced in installments signed two contracts of the same object, effective and beneficial for the purchase of 1800 and 1920 white shirts in total amounted to $ 33,480,000.

Body Control notes that recruitment had to undergo the procedure for direct recruitment (lower level) and is commonly associated as small claims, given that the combined values ​​of these contracts was in accordance with the provisions of the Act minor contracts, he said the prosecution.

With his conduct, prevented public servants then make a strict selection process and thus violated the principle of state contracting and the principles of transparency and planning.

In its decision of first instance, the Office noted that if the disciplined are not in office, the penalty will be converted into wages, according to the accrual for each of them for the time of the events.

The Attorney General warned that appropriate disciplinary action against this determination the appeal.

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