Boletín 211

By inadequate management of resources for care of the education sector, the Attorney General's Office convened a public hearing to the former governor of Cesar

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

By oral proceedings, the Attorney General's Office is investigating the former governor of Cesar, Cristian Hernando Moreno Panezo, who allegedly misused revenue earmarking, the application failed surplus of the General System of Units and resources for issues education, which led the department to the deficit in that sector.

Consider the Body Control, the department exmandatario disregarded the laws and rules governing the handling of the budget allocated to local authorities during the years 2008, 2009 and 2010, breach of the duty entrusted to safeguard the values ​​and ensure their efficient use as for the purposes for which they were intended.

The prosecution called provisionally the contest of misconduct by Mr. Moreno Panezo as serious and very serious, committed by mistake.

The disciplined may give a statement, verbal or written about the circumstances of the commission of any offenses that are recognized and give evidence or to request development of the diligence to take place in the smart room headquarters of the Attorney General Office, located on the third floor of the race 5 # 15-80, March 15 at 9:30 am

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