Boletín 022

Circuit Criminal Court welcomes requests Cali's office in the case of the violent death of Archbishop Isaias Duarte Cancino and condemnation of the FARC secretariat

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Second Criminal Court of the Specialized Circuit of Cali, in a decision of December 29, 2011, welcomed the requests presented by the prosecution in the case of the violent death of Archbishop Isaias Duarte Cancino, which occurred the night of March 16 2002 in the neighborhood of the capital Belalcázar Ricardo Valle del Cauca.

In that ruling condemning the members of the FARC secretariat Rodrigo Londoño Echeverry, alias "Timoleon Jimenez" Noel Mata Mata, alias "Efrain Guzman, Jorge Torres Victoria, alias" Pablo Catatumbo "Luciano Marín Arango and, alias" Ivan Marquez "the penalties of three hundred (300) months imprisonment and inability to exercise public office for twenty (20) years, aggravated criminally responsible for killing the prelate Duarte Cancino, as participants in the form of determination under Articles 103 and 104 of Law 599 of 2000.

Similarly indicated that the decision to cut the life of the Catholic Church representative, is credited to the members of the FARC secretariat, of those who maintain, according to the ruling, "act as a group, noting that these are a copy what were the secretariats as political bureau of the former Soviet Union, but act as a group and as such their decisions are collective in nature. "

Finally the lawyer said that "as analyzed in precedence, we see easily that this judicial server behaves much the allegations made by the representatives of the Prosecutor and the Attorney General, hence there is no need to reiterate what has already been translated to avoid redundancies. "

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