Boletín 390

Confirm removal and inability to ten years exalcalde Villanueva (Santander)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

By irregularities in recruitment, the Attorney General's Office confirmed the sanction of removal and general disqualification for a period of ten years Mr. Reinaldo Gomez Bohorquez, in his capacity as mayor of Villanueva (Santander) for the material time.

In resolving the appeal, the Regional Office Santander concluded that the former mayor committed a grave disciplinary offense punishable as a way of fraud committed by violating the principles of advertising effectiveness and governing government contracts.

The prosecution showed that the disciplinary offense was configured to omit the duty of objective selection at the conclusion of contracts for supply of 31 October 2007 and the contract for the hire of a grader signed on December 13, 2007 and the contract to provide construction management services signed on 30 August 2007.

According to the evidence, the four contracts and additions that were made on October 31, 2007 were held for the same object, which was maintenance of roads in the municipality of Villanueva with the implementation of funds from the 1101 agreement June 7, 2007 with INVIAS.

Therefore, it was concluded that these contracts were concluded in order to circumvent the objective selection, given that the contract amounted to the sum of $ 139'286 .868 pesos, which required the holding of a single contract under the procedure competitive bidding.

For the control body, although the execution of the contractual object, which was the road maintenance involved a series of activities such as provision of materials, use of machinery, technical expertise for the expansion of the material, among others, "was not preclude the holding of various contracts, on the same date as those concluded with CORVIAS & EMCOVIAS the October 31, 2007 and added the December 4, 2007, and for the same purpose, maintenance of roads in the municipality of Villanueva, Santander, "especially when resources belonged to the same budget item.


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