Boletín 528

Confirm sanctioning director of the Department of Law of the People's University of Cesar

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

Not right to petition timely response, the Attorney General's Office confirmed the sanction of suspension in the exercise of the office for a term of one month Almenares Mrs. Ada Luz Campo, in his capacity as director of the Department of Law Popular University of Cesar for the material time.

The facts relate to the right of petition filed by Mr. Luis Felipe Master Bello on February 28, 2011, to be informed of the non-academic load allocation for the corresponding period of education and the reasons for that decision.

The Public Prosecutor's investigation showed that responded out of time the right of petition, since it only gave up on March 18, 2011, is working fourteen days after filing the application.

It also found that the right of petition was answered thoroughly unresolved request involving the identification of names of people who were involved in the process of non-allocation of academic load.

Failure was classified as serious misconduct by way of negligence.

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