Boletín 670

Degree in IEMP conciliation leads the Gran Colombia University, sectional Armenia (Quindio)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

In agreement with Universidad La Gran Colombia in the city of Armenia (Quindio), the Institute for the Study of Public Prosecutions (IEMP) of the Attorney General's Office is forwarding from 1 June to 25 August a diploma in conciliation with the participation of 47 students, five of them belonging to the Public Ministry.

With this academic project, the IEMP is to support the dissemination of conciliation as an alternative mechanism of conflict resolution. The execution of agreements with different universities nationwide, provides access to servers on the matter public and private, in this case, for those who reside or carry out their duties in the department of Quindio.

The IEMP reaffirms its commitment to join forces with training centers in the country, linking the experience of the Attorney General's Office to the educational infrastructure of the regions.

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