Boletín 428

For sexual act with child under 14 years, the Attorney General's Office confirmed to teacher and librarian dismissal of Educational Institution of Sucre

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office confirmed the penalty of dismissal and disability for a period of thirteen years, imposed on Mr. Bartholomew Arrieta War, in its capacity as the departmental faculty assigned to the school "St. James", municipality of San Benito Abad (Sucre) and Padilla Eduardo Mejia, librarian of the same institution, to find disciplinarily responsible for sex with under fourteen years.

The judgment of second instance, the Public Prosecutor said the behavior assumed by the disciplined is framed within the legal and additionally there is a clear breach of the duties they attend, due to the profession and the position held for the material time.
He concluded that this conduct should be punished severely to rely on its pre-eminent status as teachers, adults and senior affected child, whom he affected their honor, their dignity, their right to free development, and violate basic goods of freedom and sexual assault.
According to research, teaching Arrieta Bartholomew War in April 2010, made sexual act, different from carnal intercourse with a nine (9) years old, who was studying the fourth grade, taking advantage of the affected was to deliver a book Castilian home, when he did to the child molestation in different parts of his body including his genitals, following which threatened the girl not to tell what happened, warning "that if it did go wrong was going to her and her family. "
Meanwhile, the librarian of Jesus Padilla Eduardo Mejia, on 6 May 2011, in the afternoon, made sexual act, diverse carnal access to the same child, when he went to the house of his aunt , adjacent to the librarian, when he called it in quotes "to show something on the computer, and also made touching the girl in different parts of the body including the genitals.
Taking into account the statements of professional psychological and medical care provided to the child and compared with interviews with the child, it was concluded that the same close relationship to the facts of study, inasmuch as mentioned in the same way the circumstances of time, manner and place of occurrence of attacks that befell the student.
For the prosecution, it is highly questionable that teachers who attend live alone in their homes, to children, who go there under the pretext of doing other tasks or investigations. "This fact alone is highly reprehensible and deserves every kind of questioning and criticism. No explanation or justification is that children and adolescents attend the house of these teachers and I can see it as evidence against him, "the Attorney General

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