Boletín 542

Held first meeting of the verification statement of the State Council concerning conservation and natural resource management Rosario Islands

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

In order to present the progress on measures to protect the natural resources of the islands of Rosario and San Bernardo, in developing the sustainable development model, and the Environmental Management Plan for Marine Protected Area, sorted by Council of State judgment of 24 November 2011, was held the first meeting of the verification of the judgment, chaired by Deputy Attorney of Agricultural and Environmental Affairs, Oscar Dario Amaya Navas, and they belong to the ombudsman of Cartagena, William Matson Ospino, the popular actor Reynaldo Cabrera Munoz and representatives of the entities responsible for the development of these commitments.

The meeting was convened and led by the Deputy Minister of Environment, Adriana Soto Carreño, who coordinated the actions of the entities involved in carrying out the sentence. Also attended the Mayor of Cartagena, Campo Elías Terán, the director of the Administrative Unit of National Parks, Julia Miranda Londoño, and consultants Environmental Licensing Authority.

Both the Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, as the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Frank Pearl, have highlighted this issue as a priority on the agendas of both entities, because of its national importance and the fact that the sentence fixed a precedent in the matter, which will impact on improving environmental conditions and sustainability of the activities carried out in the archipelago.

Information reported to the verification committee

The meeting presented the progress of the responsible entities around the control of pollution by dumping at sea, as well as monitoring the proceedings for violation of environmental norms, the actions related to the demolition of illegal buildings and programs recovery of mangroves and coral reefs in the area. It also presented aspects related to existing leases in the Rosario Islands and their evaluation against the proposed zoning and uses are being developed for the marine protected area.

The Ministry of Environment outlined the actions taken measures aimed at implementing the activities office, which articulates actions of other entities responsible for formulation of the Marine Protected Area Management and Sustainable Development Model for the area.

With regard to the powers of the responsible entities, significant agreements between the institutions involved to move as quickly as possible in compliance with that judgment.

The participating organizations, with coordination of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, established a strict schedule of activities including the completion of interagency working groups, the signing of an inter association to coordinate their actions and agreed to exchange all relevant information available for building a solid baseline to guide these processes.

The special prosecutor said that the actions around the archipelago must go beyond compliance with the judgment and constitute a State issue and in this regard said that should involve all the agencies responsible, whether or not the defendants. Also asked each of the entities submit progress report and schedule of commitments, no later than Monday June 4.

The next committee meeting will be held in check by mid-June in the city of Cartagena.

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