38 boletín
lunes, 23 enero 2012 03:05 PM

IEMP will train 35 officials from the Office on alternative mechanisms for conflict resolution


On 27th January, the Institute for the Study of Public Prosecutions (IEMP) will start his second law degree in reconciliation aimed at servers of the Attorney General's Office serving on administrative litigation in order to continue reinforcing this figure as an alternative mechanism for resolving conflicts in Colombian society.

The academic program will run until April 14.

In December 2011, forty servants of the Attorney General's Office approved the first edition of the diploma, which included the analysis of issues such as conflict theory, the mediator and its foundations, law and jurisprudence of the settlement, the institutional line conciliation, the unlawful damage, techniques and skills of conciliation and reconciliation in criminal contexts, police, family, labor and civil.

The Institute for the Study of Public Prosecutions, special administrative unit of the PGN, has the backing of the Ministry of Interior to provide training and certify facilitators in the country. 

PGN | Fecha Publicación: lunes, 23 enero 2012 03:05 PM

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