Boletín 726

In a ruling of first instance dismissed and disabled exgerente General Administration National Cooperative Development territorial entities

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

By irregularities in several of the contracts signed in 2007 to build supporting structures for elevated tanks and discharge networks in the municipalities of Apartado, Turbo and Chigorodo (Antioquia), the Attorney General's Office, in judgment of first instance, dismissed and disqualified for 13 years to Mrs. Otilia Ortiz Quitian, in his capacity as General Manager of the National Cooperative Development Administration of Territorial Entities (CONALDE).

According to the research, said contracts lacked legality because Mrs. Otilia Ortiz, who signed them, was enacted tax and discipline, a situation that prevented him from holding public office. As a result of these sanctions, actions supplied by the investigation in these contracts are not valid.
The investigation proved that the Attorney acting as manager, signed within the challenged contracts, several otrosí, leases machinery and minutes of start of projects, among other documents.
In that respect, prosecutors concluded that the investigation continued to serve in those contractual processes in their capacity as legal representative of CONALDE, despite being immersed in a supervening disability caused by the sanction of dismissal and general disqualification imposed on him by the Attorney .
Additionally, the Control Authority said that Ms. Ortiz Quitian session held contracts credits these contracts for a company of which her daughters were members at that time, incurring a conflict of interest.
The prosecution said that against this determination the appeal is appropriate disciplinary appeal.

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