553 boletín
miércoles, 6 junio 2012 10:10 AM

In lower court ruling, Attorney General's Office dismissed the country to 14 notaries in bankruptcy attorney for irregularities


The Attorney General's Office dismissed and disqualified for 16 years to exercise any office or public function to 14 notaries who registered as belonging to the National Directorate of Copyright, grade work of students from different universities and presented to the Council such certification Senior Attorney Race 2006 Call to get a higher score in the competition for admission to property in the office of notary.

Notaries sanctioned in the first instance provided that certificate to the University of Pamplona, ​​logistics operator of the open public competition for the appointment of notaries in property and income to the notarial profession, with the aim of obtaining an irregular five (5) points in the competition for entry to property in that office.

The Attorney General notes that apparently legal works of authorship, are documents that were developed by students from two universities in the country, as thesis for the degree of lawyers, as stated in the registration certificates issued by unpublished literary works National Directorate of Copyright.

The sanctioned by the Public Prosecutor is Luis Mariano Diaz Bustamante, in his capacity as Notary Single Mahates (Bolivar); Emiro Portillo Villa, in his capacity as Notary Single Morales (Bolivar); Lazarus Christ of Leon de Leon, in his Second Notary condition of Monteria (Cordoba), Gabriel Alberto Portacio Mendoza, in his capacity as Notary One of Buenavista (Córdoba), Hernan Cortes Uparela Diomedes, in her capacity as Notary One of Planeta Rica, (Córdoba), Emilia Marquez Lucia Osorio , in his capacity as Notary One of San Andres de Sotavento, (Córdoba), Jorge Elías Morales Diz, as Sole Notary of San Antero (Córdoba), Carlos Enrique Pineda Palencia, in his capacity as Notary Unified Tierra Alta, (Córdoba) Jesualdo Fernández Valverde, in his capacity as Notary Single Villanueva (Guajira), Jaime Rafael Martinez German, in his capacity as Notary Single Majagual (Sucre), Jesus Ulloa Theresita White, in his capacity as Notary Single Sucre (Sucre), Jairo Sanchez Leonel Guzman, in his capacity as Notary One of Lebanon (Tolima), Miladys Isabel Vasquez Olivera, in his capacity as Notary Unique Sheep (Sucre) and Francisco Antonio Mercado Sanchez, in his capacity as Notary One Circle of Lorica (Córdoba).

Appropriate disciplinary action against this determination the appeal to the Disciplinary Division of the Attorney General's Office.


PGN | Fecha Publicación: miércoles, 6 junio 2012 10:10 AM

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