Boletín 060

In the first instance ruling the Attorney General's Office dismissed excontralor of San Andres and Providencia

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office sanctioned by dismissal and disability for a period of eighteen years Mosquera Enrique Ramón Lozano, acting comptroller general of the department of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, having done objectively the conduct described in the criminal law as a concussion.

The facts relate to the catch in the act of Mr. Mosquera Lozano, July 10, 2009, at a time when it received the governor of that department, Pedro Gallardo Forbes, the sum of fifty million dollars as a result of their demands in exchange not to initiate investigations or suspend tax charge related to contracts and contracts signed by the regional leader.

For this conduct departmental comptroller then committed the crime of extortion and was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

The prosecution indicated that the lack, described as very serious committed by way of fraud, was generated by constricting and induce the governor of San Andres Island to give money and patronage in the hiring of the local authority in return for benefit decisions should take in developing the processes of fiscal responsibility.

In imposing the sanction, the Second Deputy Attorney Surveillance Administrator believes that the fact of criminal conduct represents the most serious and it is an act of corruption by the highest authority for fiscal control of the local authority, it caused a serious social harm to communities in that department.

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