Boletín 269

Keep Eljadue investiture of Congressman Isaac, asked the Attorney

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office requested the State Council not to accept the claim for loss of investment that continues against Mr. Isaac Eljadue Gutierrez in his capacity as representative to the House.

Congressman elected for the period 2010 - 2014 by the constituency of the department of Magdalena, was sued for alleged violation of the rules of disabilities by having the time of election related, as a brother, the mayor of Pijiño del Carmen, Magdalena.

The Attorney General through the Sixth Attorney's Office before the Council of State explained that the grounds are set to proceed the cause of loss of investment as there is conflict in the jurisprudence of the State Council to resolve the case.

He explained that it should consider the benefit of Mr. Gutierrez Eljadue principles such as good faith, legitimate expectations, legal certainty and the principle pro worker, that allow the right to be elected.

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