636 boletín
miércoles, 27 junio 2012 08:23 AM

Management Report: In 2011, the Attorney General's Office gave a total of 906 disciplinary


On Thursday, when analyzing the Management Report of 2011 of the Attorney General's Office, the head of the Public Ministry, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, presented to the Colombian results obtained by the Bank in exercising its constitutional functions.

The balance outstanding disciplinary management, which in the past year was one of the objectives of greater interest in seeking to avoid acts or omissions in the exercise of the public attempted against state resources and the general good.

In 2011, in exercise of the function to punish the conduct of public officials as provided by law, the attorney disciplinary decisions handed down 906.

Of the total of penalties, 483 were for failure against officials who have held elected office, 209 servers and executive level managers, 43 professional and social welfare level, operational level 31 and 35 against members of the security forces.

556 cases were meant to hang on the disciplined exercise of office, while 261 resulted in removal proceedings and disability.

Note that during this year were punished by dismissal and disability 3 Congress of the Republic, 5 governors and 50 mayors department.

Active participation by the judicial authorities

In defense of the patrimony of the Nation, the Attorney General intervened in 1927 but processes related to public resources, making desembargados were 13.493 million pesos.

The prosecutors delegated to Research and Criminal Appeals and the Public Prosecutor in Criminal Matters issued 15,778 concepts. There were 25,588 presentations to the various bodies of administrative litigation, 26,726 performances before the civil courts in matters of child and family, and over 10,000 in relation to environmental and agricultural issues.

Strengthening its presence in the ordinary courts, specializing in justice and peace processes and sectional councils of the judiciary, prosecutors and delegated functions created special agencies to 494 in 2011.


In an effort to consolidate the reconciliation as the mechanism for dispute settlement, the Attorney General's Office promoted 1,457 extrajudicial conciliation hearings on issues of family, reaching agreements in 51 percent of cases.

In 3619 civil hearings were completed with 408 of these agreements and legal proceedings prevented by a value of 13 thousand 181 million pesos.

Contact means

All Colombians will continue accountability, live this Thursday starting at 9 am through the website of the Institution www.procuraduria.gov.co and recorded by the Institutional Channel schedule shall be informed.

Ask your questions and express their perceptions and concerns regarding the management of the Attorney General's Office, through emails rendiciondecuentas@procuraduria.gov.co, webmaster@procuraduria.gov.co, the page on the social network Facebook www.facebook.com / Procuraduriageneral and space qualified opinion in the bottom of the page provided for this purpose on the website

Attorney General's Office.
Messages will be evaluated and forwarded to the Attorney General's Office, who, under the conditions of each case, delegate its attention on the overall viceprocuradora, Martha Isabel Castañeda Curvelo, and procurators. Attention to communications will take place during and after the presentation of the Management Report 2011. 

PGN | Fecha Publicación: miércoles, 27 junio 2012 08:23 AM

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