Boletín 178

Not to effectively comply with orders environmental authority, disciplinary authority of the Attorney General's Office will evaluate performance of the former mayor of Cota (Cundinamarca)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office, through the Division for Environmental and Agricultural Affairs, forwarded to the instance disciplinary action against Mr. Nestor Orlando Guitarrero Sanchez, who served as mayor of the municipality of Cota (Cundinamarca) by unreasonably omitting timely implementation of two administrative actions on the environment.

This is Resolution 612 of April 2011, issued by the same Mayor Cota, who ordered the demolition, within a period of 90 days, on the premises of the Company NL CONTAPA SA CI, and Resolution 0020 of March 2011, issued by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca (CAR), which ordered the suspension of noise generating activities in the same industry.

Only until February 20 brought forward the measure of closure of the factory, in an operation led by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca (CAR) and the Police Inspectorate of Cota.

The decision to promote the initiation of disciplinary proceedings against Mr. Guitarrero Sanchez, adopted by the Agency for Agricultural and Environmental Affairs, is the result of preventive action and management control in that municipality, to protect the right of the community to enjoy a healthy environment.

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