12 boletín
jueves, 12 enero 2012 11:50 AM

Office submitted comments on the scope of decrees concerning creation and functions of the Administrative Department for Social Prosperity


The Attorney General's Office said at various levels of Government the reasons why the public prosecutor concerned that the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF) is attached to the Department for Social Prosperity.

In a communication addressed to senior presidential adviser for Good Governance and administrative efficiency, the director of the Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic, the director of the Administrative Department of Public Service, the ICBF general manager and director of the Department Administrative Social Prosperity, the Prosecutor for the Defense of the Rights of the Child, Youth and Family that encouraged them to consider extending the preamble, objectives and functions contained in Decree 4155 of 2011 which created the Department Administrative Social Prosperity, assess the attachment of ICBF to it and take the necessary measures so that, from the new organization of the state, serving children and adolescents, with a look of differential and integral prevalent.

For this monitoring body, the focus of protecting the rights of those named as recipients of the Order 4155 (the poor, vulnerable groups, the population victim of violence and the disabled population) is far wide of the rights approach and the perspective of the comprehensive protection of the rights of children and adolescents, in which Colombia has been significant progress since the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as reflected in the issuance of the Code for Children and Adolescents in 2006 .

The Office also considers that the Decree 4156 of 2011, the ICBF ascribing to the Department of Social Prosperity, could distort the functions of this Institute, for the protection of the rights of children and adolescents should not be through the same social policies established for vulnerable groups, people with disability and victims of political violence. For the prosecution, this reform will doubt that children and adolescents are subjects of rights, and that the interests of the child, comprehensive protection and the prevalence of their rights are the guiding principles for the conduct of the authorities and entities that are part of National Family Welfare System.

The Attorney General urges the ICBF to continue to meet the constitutional and legal provisions to defend the rights of children, adolescents and families and not just of individuals or families in situations of vulnerability. Also invited to the Department of Social Prosperity in a comprehensive manner to protect the children and adolescents, but within the specific attribution of their duties did not mention the need for this requirement.

PGN | Fecha Publicación: jueves, 12 enero 2012 11:50 AM

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