436 boletín
viernes, 4 mayo 2012 02:54 PM

On Monday, through the Institutional Channel TV, the Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, shall present to the project 'New Citizen Colombiano


On Monday May 7, from 9 to 10 am, the Attorney General's Office and the Institute for the Study of Public Prosecutions (IEMP), broadcast live, through the Institutional Channel, the position of chief prosecutors, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, concerning the project that raises the reconstruction of the values, principles and public ethics in search of a new Colombian citizen.

The Attorney General shall present to the concepts which includes research conducted by the Educational Foundation of Colombia Citadels, funded by the IEMP, which describes basic principles that allow universal combat the scourges facing the country today as corruption, dishonesty and violence.

Form citizens is a priority of the Attorney General's Office in developing its preventive function. The State plays a key role, as family and school, the education of citizens committed to the country's development and construction of the common good.

For this purpose, the Bank has scheduled several mechanisms of socialization of the results obtained from research through academic events in different cities, the development and distribution of a booklet and dissemination of audiovisual teaching civic virtues that contain the new citizen Colombia.

We invite the public to see and above all, internalize and practice these notions intend to form ethical and upright citizens and public servants so that through the performance of their duties, by conviction and not by fear of the law, achieve a country which grants the rights to Colombian society.

PGN | Fecha Publicación: viernes, 4 mayo 2012 02:54 PM

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