Boletín 039

PGN provides guidelines to ensure rights to health and social rehabilitation in prisons and prison

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

Given the shortcomings evidenced by the Attorney General's Office in the health of persons deprived of liberty and to the lack of rehabilitation policy to cover all the inmates, the Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado , provided guidelines for the protection of fundamental rights of persons deprived of liberty.

The provisions were introduced by the Director of Public Prosecutions by a directive to the Director of INPEC, the Director General of Prison Services Unit and Prison SPC, principals, assistant principals, commanders of security and surveillance of prisons and prison and INPEC directors of prisons and prison of the Armed Forces and Police.

In this paper the Control Authority is requested to INPEC attend and comply with all the recommendations made in the document "Preventive Action Tracking Public Policy for the Provision of Health Service Prisons and Prison."

The attorney general also urged the institute for this body to require the assignment of personnel Caprecom who specializes in health care on a permanent basis and proportional to the number of inmates in each facility, with emphasis on emergency medical and dental and other specialist such as those relating to female staff in female prisons.

It also asked the prison authorities to arrange for it to be built in each prison facility where there are no areas, adequate health care to the technical parameters and standards that apply to the inmate's medical staff.

These areas should be equipped, including sufficient and necessary instruments and equipment necessary for the effective performance of healthcare personnel.

In the case of prisons where there are the aforementioned areas, it is necessary that these are adequately remodeled, suitable and qualified to the relevant functions in order to obtain approval to operate by the Secretariats of Health.

Likewise, the chief public prosecutor urged the INPEC to forward the following actions on health:

- Permanent Audit compliance against provider payment and delivery of prescription drugs to inmates.

- Audits permanent food both as businesses that supply food to the inmates.

- Design and implementation of a protocol for transfers of inmates for medical attention to prevent unwarranted delays and loss of inmates' medical appointments.

- Design and implementation of prevention programs to reduce the high rates of morbidity.

With respect to the process of rehabilitation of persons deprived of liberty, the attorney initially requested INPEC compliance with all recommendations made in the document "Preventive Action Tracking Public Policy Resocialization in Prisons and Prison."

Likewise, within the next three months must be designed plans and work-study programs, consistent with a genuine policy of rehabilitation which is home to all inmates.

Consistent with this, the INPEC within the rules should include the right of each inmate to have access to an annual work-study, "without implying to the inmate prior exhaustion of procedures and requirements established by law no."

INPEC need to generate jobs of various kinds in order that each inmate is entitled to access to a quota of work from the moment you enter the prison and allow you to earn income, pain and resocialized redeem, except those who are not legally bound to work.
INPEC must fully comply with the rehabilitation plans and to work activities and recreation, sport and culture to be permanent which is necessary for the institute manages the resources needed to implement a policy in this area.

On the other hand, the Control Authority calls for this body "update its regulations and protocols, welcoming them national and international standards on the treatment of persons deprived of liberty, as well as the decisions of the supervisory failures handed down by the Constitutional Court, in quality of life of the prison population, particularly with regard to family unity, the prevalence of the rights of minor children, to this end, urges the INPEC to convicted persons are assigned to prisons located within the jurisdiction of his family. "

Finally, the Institute asked to comply with prison rules, respect for fundamental rights of prisoners, the implementation of training programs on human rights, basic principles for the treatment of prisoners, rights of inmates directed to INPEC all servers, especially the body of custody and supervision.

The Office, through its delegate Prevention in Matter of Human Rights and Ethnic Affairs, will monitor compliance with the directive issued by the attorney general.

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