Boletín 003

PGN provides instructions to monitor compliance on burials of unidentified deceased persons

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, ombudsmen urged to forward the corresponding actions in order that local authorities in complying with the rules on burial of unidentified bodies.

Through resolution 525, issued this month, the head of the Control Authority gave specific instructions to the public ministry officials in the exercise of its powers and perform monitoring compliance with Act 1408 of 2010 "by which is a tribute to the victims of enforced disappearance and introducing measures for the location and identification, "and the 5194 Resolution 2010, issued by the Ministry of Social Protection" For which regulates the provision of burial services , burial, exhumation and cremation of dead bodies. "

The said Act regulates how the remains should be buried and dead in cemeteries, certain aspects such as rigorous documentation to be issued on its location and the preservation and marking of graves, according to the requirements in this regard will develop Search the National Commission on Missing Persons.

The above Act also states that government departments or the appropriate government authority "ensure that its jurisdiction does not use common ossuaries or destroyed or incinerated bodies or remains of unidentified persons and not buried without record of the removal and examination coroner. "

The ombudsmen should monitor compliance with these provisions as well as resolution 5194 of 2010 and the Criminal Procedure Code, the Military Criminal Code, Law 38 of 1993 and Decree 2418 of 2005, which regulates aspects burials, exhumations and cremation of corpses or human skeletal remains in the case of deceased persons without identification.

Finally, under the resolution issued by the office of attorney general, ombudsmen must submit a biannual report to the Prosecutor for the Prevention Field of Human Rights and Ethnic Affairs on the knowledge that on burials and exhumations of unidentified bodies are made in the field of competence.


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