Boletín 066

People Fail Action brought by the Attorney General's Office to protect the collective right to the environment in Riohacha (La Guajira)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

• The Inspector considered that lots of "fattening" in Riohacha jeopardize the safety and health of the inhabitants of the municipality.

The Second Administrative Court Riohacha (La Guajira) ordered the mayor of this municipality and the company Interaseo SA ESP. implement, within a period of six months, the necessary measures at prevention, control and penalties to combat environmental pollution generated by so-called feedlots, enmontados and without enclosure.

The ruling came from the Popular Action brought by the Attorney General's Office to protect the collective rights related to the enjoyment of a healthy environment, public health and safety, which are threatened by the growing record of this type of goods property and lack of control by the municipal authorities.

For the prosecution, this right also to prevent Riohacha urban development, endangers health and safety of the inhabitants of the city, because these buildings have become garbage dumps and place of refuge for crime.

The situation is such that one of these lots is in the public market, which constitutes a real threat to the health of the community, as in this place is distributing food for human consumption, as demonstrated in the proceedings judicial inspection ordered by the court.

In its ruling, the Administrative Court ordered the municipality to ensure full implementation of the provisions of Decree 096 of 2008, to initiate investigations and impose penalties that may apply to owners who breach the rules governing the matter.

Furthermore, the company demanded Interaseo SA ESP., Forms of evidence attesting to the proper execution of appropriate contractual obligations in the provision of cleaning services. 

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