Boletín 110

Possible objections by "extrajudicial executions" of people in Soacha (Cundinamarca), Bogota and Aguachica (Cesar)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office made the statement of objections within three investigations conducted by the recruitment of young people in Bogota, Aguachica (Cesar) and Soacha (Cundinamarca), his disappearance and subsequent death presentation as killed in combat by members assigned to the Army.

Operation "Fortress" - February 2008

By the death of a citizen, part of the civilian population and therefore subject to special protection, the Attorney made charge sheet against 3 members of the Battalion of Services nro.5 "Mercedes Abrego" for the time of the events investigated.

Sargent is the Zapata and Fabio Ortega Ismael Ruiz soldiers and Elvis Camilo Quintero Arce.

According to complaints filed with the National Office of Special Investigations, the victim left the house of his sister in Soacha (Cundinamarca) on January 2, 2008 and never returned. Only until August of that year his mother and sister heard through radio Chiquinquirá had been buried as an unidentified person.

According to the rendered versions, military personnel moved down the road that leads from Bucaramanga to San Jose de Cucuta and into the early morning hours of February 21 voices were heard, they released the proclamation and people shot at them, which were forced to return fire, later, they found the lifeless body of a person.

However, the version of events narrated by the respondents who were in the "agree disprove the existence of a fight and argue instead that the members of the National Ejecito arrived, detained two others who were released, they were warned that this was a person 'bobita' and despite the above killed him. "

The report indicates that removal of the body in the victim's body was found a communications radio, a rifle with 16 cartridges portaproveedor with a fragmentation grenade, for rifle and 17 cartridges.

There are apparent contradictions between the evidence on the record and the statements of the soldiers who participated in the operation. In this regard the prosecution said the evidence collected so far indicate that the death of this citizen by members of the security forces apparently resulted from an impact gun would have received while back, which does not match the statements of the investigation in the sense that the victim confronted the troops.

Consequently, the investigation would have upset the rules required by international humanitarian law to protect civilians.

Mission tactics "Ivory" - March 2008

In the context of other disciplinary proceeding, the Attorney General's Office made the statement of charges against seven members of the Army for acts related to the deaths of two people, happened in the village "Brazil High" Scimitar municipality (Santander) on March 5, 2008, who were reported to have died in combat.

The sheltered with auto charges are Lt. Col. Wilson Castro Javier Pinto, Antonio Eduardo Lieutenant Villany Realpe, the Sargent Niampira Jesus Eduardo Benavides and professional soldiers Ospina Nelson Tabares, Juan Carlos Alvarez, Germain Oliveros Augusto Tavares and Bridges Benancio Guapacha , members of Infantry Battalion nro.41 "General Rafael Reyes Prieto" based Scimitar (Santander).

It is noted that the mission tactics "Ivory" directed against four members of criminal gangs working for drug traffickers, apparently, was openly illegal because she would have tried to give an appearance of legality to the death of these persons protected by the law International Humanitarian Law.

According to the evidence and testimony of the first families of the victims, aged 27, disappeared on February 26, 2008 and joined the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences on March 5 of that year, and the second, 32 years old, disappeared on March 4 and joined the Legal Medicine Unit same the next day.

The information collected on the victims indicated that they lived with their families in Bogota, were unemployed, did not know the county seat of Scimitar (Santander) and their disappearance was noticed and reported promptly to their families.

Tactical mission "Jaguar" - June 2008

In development of this military operation in the municipality of Bucarasica (Norte de Santander), members of the National Army committed two homicides of protected persons in the light of international humanitarian law, by which the Attorney General's Office made the statement of charges against nine members of the army that made for the material time Nro.15 Infantry Battalion "General Francisco de Paula Santander."

Those affected with auto charges are Lieutenant Colonel Alvaro Tamayo Diego Hoyos, Burgos Vargas Orlando Sargent and Henry Torres Téllez professional soldiers, Lenin Velaides Benavides, Juan Bautista Cubides Rodriguez, Jesus Arevalo Alveiro Telles, Olver Garcia Zambrano, Alfonso Cubides Bayonne and Wilmer Garcia.

According to research, development of "Operation Jaguar" on July 11, 2008, at 2:45 am a professional soldier were killed and an unidentified person who was related by the military as a narco. Following the steps taken could establish was a citizen who lived with his family in the county seat of Aguachica (Cesar), characterized as a person with no criminal record, police or other criminal, without any connection with an illegal armed group .

According to the technical inspection report to the body and the expert report of autopsy reports and other evidence not noticed the existence of combat, and other party "has clear explanations about the contact, the promise of work, deceit and transfer it from Aguachica could produce up to where it was delivered to the military squad that ended causing death on the site that realizes the patrol report. "

Body Control Points in the same place it was reported the death of a professional soldier, which, apparently, there would have to give an appearance of legality.

The soldiers have committed serious violations of international humanitarian law since the military action perpetrated went to two persons protected by IHL, "since the former was not a fighter and the second even if the quality of fighter had died as explained by the same disciplined under the same no apparent friendly fire was fought the battle argued. "

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