95 boletín
miércoles, 8 febrero 2012 01:35 PM

Procuraduría General de la Nación participó en taller de Colombia Humanitaria con nuevos mandatarios del departamento de Bolívar


The Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, instructed the officer responsible for Decentralization and Local Authorities for the participation of the Public Ministry in the recent workshop for new presidents Colombia Humanitarian departmental and municipal governments, which took place in the Technological University of Bolivar.

The event was attended by all mayors in the department and members of their cabinets, advanced in order to build a joint scheme with the new local authorities, from the information on the resources allocated to each local authority for dealing with the effects of the rainy season, the area has benefited from the ongoing preventive support of the Attorney General's Office.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the workshop, the Deputy Attorney Carlos Augusto Diaz officers conveyed the message of the chief prosecutors to insist on accountability of contractors against the timely execution of works. The mayors were reminded of their obligation to follow the progress of ongoing projects to verify the performance of contracts and manage as appropriate for the adequate flow of resources.

He also emphasized the importance of respecting the existing rules and foresee the consequences of decisions outside the obligations of office. He reiterated righteousness in the performance of provincial and district attorneys, and recalled that the changed way of doing surveillance, citing strategies such as verification of information systems and monitoring the anti-corruption compliance.

The special prosecutor invited the new leaders to be provided at the preventive support of the Attorney General's Office, "the Bank is not only a disciplinary agent," he said.

PGN | Fecha Publicación: miércoles, 8 febrero 2012 01:35 PM

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