630 boletín
lunes, 25 junio 2012 04:25 PM

Protection of rights, combating corruption, monitoring of public and safeguard heritage, strategic issues that will present the Attorney General's Office in its 2011 Management Report


On Thursday June 28, from 9 to 11 am, Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, shall present to the Management Report of 2011, which will analyze the work of the Bank in developing its constitutional functions and individual cases will be dealt with in disciplinary matters, preventive intervention.

The Chief Public Prosecutor and his staff will address concerns raised by citizens and provide a detailed account of what has been done in response to the following strategic areas:
• Protection of fundamental rights and public interest: Including the actions in defense of individual and collective human rights, strengthening the care of people or vulnerable groups, promotion of human rights and the improvements implemented in the control of resources for that matter.

• Fight against corruption and impunity: With the actions aimed at implementing tools that mitigate the risks of corruption, active participation before judicial and administrative authorities, the strengthening of research capacity of the entity and monitoring the protection program witnesses.

• Monitoring the role and governance: A report of the improvements in the evaluation of legal compliance and protection of social interests, and strengthening information systems and monitoring.

• Protection of public property and collective interests: From the strengthening and consolidation of inter-agency processes on that topic, strengthening private sector participation and citizenship, the development of civic culture processes and preventive actions and the monitoring electoral processes and administrative conciliation committees. In this area will address the sanctions on behavior of public servants.

• Monitoring the performance of duties and responsibilities: By promoting a culture of citizenship and strengthening interagency collaborative processes for the fulfillment of the fundamental duties.

The Management Report 2011 also shows the evolution of the axes mission from the perspective of internal processes of the Attorney General's Office and the development of institutional relations.
All Colombians will continue accountability, live across the Channel and Institutional website of the Institution www.procuraduria.gov.co.
Ask your questions and express their perceptions and concerns regarding the management of the Attorney General's Office, through emails rendiciondecuentas@procuraduria.gov.co, webmaster@procuraduria.gov.co, the page on the social network Facebook www.facebook.com / Procuraduriageneral and space qualified opinion in the bottom of the page provided for this purpose on the website of the Attorney General's Office.

Messages will be evaluated and forwarded to the Attorney General's Office, who, under the conditions of each case, delegate its attention on the overall viceprocuradora, Martha Isabel Castañeda Curvelo, and procurators. Attention to communications will take place during and after the presentation of the Management Report 2011. 

PGN | Fecha Publicación: lunes, 25 junio 2012 04:25 PM

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