180 boletín
viernes, 24 febrero 2012 03:10 PM

Remarks by the Attorney General's Office in the city of Pasto (Nariño)


If the student Luis Andres Colmenares

With the new suspension of the audience along in the case of young Luis Colmenares, the chief prosecutors said the attorney is actively involved in this case and noted the need to establish as quickly as possible the responsibilities or innocence of persons working in the fact.

For the head of the Control Authority promptly in this investigation, no doubt, "reverts to greater credibility in our institutions."

Penalty imposed on exconcejal of Cucuta

Faced with the six-month suspension handed down against Mr. Jesus Diaz Edgar Contreras, who currently has the title of governor of Norte de Santander, the chief prosecutors pointed out that this is a decision of administrative irregularities and stated that this sanction does not affect the performance of his duties as governor because it was imposed in his capacity as councilor.

Consequently, the sanction of suspension becomes fine because Mr. Díaz Contreras is not currently boasting the office of councilor.

Appeal the detention order against former High Commissioner for Peace

The Attorney General appealed to the security measure imposed on former high commissioner. Given this process, the prosecutor highlighted two aspects: the first related to the attitude of Luis Carlos Restrepo, who has not been filed with the Colombian justice system, calling it done wrong, wrong and outrageous, and the second related to the criminal proceedings, upon which said that "the attorney knows the evidence on the process and considers that there are no grounds required by the procedural rules for requesting and / or ordering such injunctive relief."

Accordingly, the Attorney in defense of due process, due process and justice challenged the decision.

On his visit to the city of Pasto

In the city of Pasto the attorney general has served the citizens of this area of ​​the country. Has met with the Watch, who, as stated, constitute an important element of social control.

During his visit has received complaints about administrative irregularities and corruption, a phenomenon he called the first drama of society as it discredits the law, sacrifices public policy affects fundamental rights, economic, social and cultural rights.

IEMP Convention with the University of Nariño

The chief prosecutors celebrated the agreement signed between the Institute for the Study of Public Prosecutions (IEMP), academic body of the Agency, and the University of Nariño, which aims to help the IEMP its role to train public servants in throughout the country.

Thus, the Institute fulfills this function Royalty training, recruitment, public and disciplinary law, including "about giving the evidence for public officials to be good public servants because the public has a right that its officers are good officers, "he said.

PGN | Fecha Publicación: viernes, 24 febrero 2012 03:10 PM

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