Boletín 526

Removal to confirm Vichada teacher sex abuse

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office confirmed the sanction of dismissal and inability of twelve against Mr. Leonel Estrada Gaitán, in his capacity as professor at St. Jerome School Cumaribo Township, Vichada, for engaging in sexual abuse of students in the educational institution.

Mr. Estrada Gaitán was sanctioned after finding that in exercise of his duties as a teacher sexually abused six students, three boys and three girls, in science class in the third grade of public schools, on events that occurred on 12 August 2007.

At that time, the teacher questioned the students made to strip and lie to girls on the floor, at which time he touched the private parts to explain the issue related to the human reproductive system.

The Attorney General concluded that the testimonial evidence and the assessment of professionals who treated the children concerned give full credibility and certainty about abusive sexual acts to which the teacher subjected her students.

Based on the evidence the account of the events for children is extremely descriptive perverted form as the said class teacher directed and infringed threat to children, not only to accede to his wish and thus leave touch and manipulate their private parts, but not to tell anything happened to their relatives.

For the Office during the investigation showed "mood, deliberate intent and purpose of sexually abusing their child in the way students was described in the process, trying to get their silence, protected by the authority was to be the teacher in a school in a remote part of the national territory, within an indigenous community. "

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