Boletín 509

Sanctioned on appeal former mayor of Hacarí (Norte de Santander)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office passed in appeal court ruling suspending the exercise of the office for 6 months and inability for the same term to Jose Anibal Lopez Bautista, in his capacity as Mayor of Hacarí (Norte de Santander) for the time of the facts, by incurring an excessive act of having used public health resources for the payment of a contract to provide services.

The facts consisted of disciplinary reproach cancel the value for development activities and coordination of the Basic Health Plan, contrary to what was noted in the outer circular 00018 2004 of the Ministry of Social Protection said: "territorial coordinators PAB Public Health or funded in the operational resources of the respective local authority. "

Failure was classified as very serious by way of negligence. Should not be exercising public functions, the penalty shall be paid as provided in Article 46 of the Single Disciplinary Code, making the suspension time for the monetary penalty payable by the disciplined at the time of occurrence of events .

As a decision on appeal, against the same no appeal.


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