Boletín 672

Statement of charges against former mayor Jamundi (Valle del Cauca)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office statement of charges made ​​against Mr. Jorge Eliecer Mafla Aragon, who at the material time was serving as Mayor of Jamundi (Valle del Cauca), because no timely response would have a right to petition.

The local exmandatario have not responded within the legal right to petition filed by a citizen, in the company of others, on 24 February 2010 to undertake some works to the benefit of the inhabitants of a residential community.

Given the lack of response, the complainant filed a writ of protection which in the second instance decision ordered to deliver a response to this request within a period of 48 hours of notification of this decision. However, the former mayor did not comply with care and judgment the plaintiff filed contempt proceeding before the Court of Jamundi Promiscuous.

The evidence indicates that the request was answered on July 30, 2010, ie five months after being filed, which may constitute a disciplinary offense, because the law provided a period of 15 days to respond to the rights of request made ​​in interest.

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