Boletín 671

Statement of charges against former mayor of Palmira (Valle del Cauca)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office statement of charges made ​​against Mr. Raul Arboleda Alfredo Márquez, in his capacity as mayor of Palmira (Valle del Cauca), who have made changes to the organizational structure of that local authority.

Research the facts related to the suppression of the staffing of the municipality that would have made ​​the then president in October 2008 and the adoption of a new organizational structure by which left five traffic police out of payroll, who apparently did not reinstated despite being established as regulators of transit charges.

Those affected by this decision brought an action before the National Civil Service Commission (CNSC), an entity that the July 3, 2009 ordered to reinstate the five traffic police, a decision that was not heeded by Mr. Raul Arboleda, who as a result its action was sanctioned by the CNSC on November 2, 2010.

Notes the statement of objections that the five servers should be reinstated as a result of "their right of first refusal to be incorporated into the same or equivalent employment of new staff, or obtain compensation for the above is not possible, according to the requirements Act 909 of 2004. "

According to the Attorney then president did not act in accordance with existing legal provisions concerning administrative career.

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