Boletín 374

The Attorney General's Office convened a public hearing of Chigorodó exconcejal (Antioquia)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

Presumably as a councilor to exercise despite being linked to the Family Compensation Fund Comfamiliar from the October 16, 1981 to date, working under contract indefinite term, the Attorney General's Office convened a public hearing to Andres Avelino Carvajal Gonzalez, municipal councilor Chigorodó (Antioquia) during the period from 1 January 2008 until December 31, 2011.

Consider the Provincial Attorney disciplined Apartadó that had to resign the position of sports coordinator Urabá area it occupies in Comfamiliar or, if preferred, to refrain from taking office as municipal councilor of Chigorodo, finding themselves unable to exercise the two positions simultaneously.

The Control Authority provisionally classified the lack imputed to Mr. Carvajal Gonzalez as very serious fault committed a very serious degree.

The verbal diligence will mark the April 23, 2012 at 8:30 am at the provincial prosecutor's office of Apartado, located at Calle 95 # 96A - 65, Founders neighborhood.


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