Boletín 511

They cite public hearing exservidora Hospital Department of Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

By oral proceedings, the Attorney General's Office investigated the Calonje Emilsen Gloria Orozco, in his capacity as Deputy Director of Financial Resources Departmental Buenaventura Hospital, for possible omissions in the performance of their duties.

The public hearing was convened for Friday 25 May, from 9:00 in the morning at the Regional Office of the Cauca Valley, located in building 99 in the race in September Nro.8-56 in the city Santiago de Cali.

The servant then would not have responded to the requests made by the Provincial Office of Buenaventura by communications sent in April and July 2008, by which requested information on the efforts put forward to the cancellation of fiscal contributions to the Seine.

According to evidence gathered, the said offices, addressed to the manager of the Hospital Department of Buenaventura, have been submitted to the Secretary of Financial Resources of this entity for processing because this agency is responsible for responding to this request.

The officer in question may submit the explanations it deems appropriate on the facts being investigated by the Attorney General, and to request and provide evidence that it considers relevant. 

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