Boletín 144

Through the intervention of the Attorney General's Office ordered registration of a citizen of Fredonia (Antioquia) in the Register of Victims

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office through the Provincial Fredonia (Antioquia), intervened to defend the rights of a citizen from March 2007 presented to Social Action, now called the Special Administrative Unit of Comprehensive Care and Repair Victims, an administrative claim for compensation on the occasion of his son's murder by a paramilitary group, which until January 2012 had not been served.

According to the statement by the Family Court Fredonia Promiscuous no evidence that the entity had driven ahead of the steps involved in order to send the relevant report to the Administrative Reparations Committee for a ruling thereon.

In response to the complaint filed by the public in February 2011, the Provincial Office of Fredonia prepared the document with which the Family Court Promiscuous this county guided the right of petition, redress and due process that a judgment of February 1, 2012 was decided in favor of the plaintiff, and ordered the Special Administrative Unit of Comprehensive Care and Repair Victims contact the tutelante and explain, clearly and precisely, the procedure for registration of your application in the Register of Victims, in the end of 48 hours of notification of the judgment.

Court considered that the existing regulations to date, the status of tutelante is part of the transition period referred to in Article 155 of Decree 4800 of 2011 which provides that if the application for compensation has not been resolved by the Committee Administrative Reparations at the entrance is in effect, should be taken as a new application, but for the entry in the Register of Victims and then follow the procedure outlined in that same standard.

The Control Authority is investigating the alleged delay of the Special Administrative Unit of Comprehensive Care and Repair of Casualty to process the request of the petitioner.

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