Boletín 014

Using single-instance ruling Attorney General dismisses former governor of Magdalena

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office dismissed and disqualified for 15 years Mr. Omar Diaz Granados Ricardo Velasquez, in his capacity as governor of the department of Magdalena by irregularities in the purchase of kits and textbooks.

Within the disciplinary determination made by the chief public prosecutor also dismissed and disqualified for 12 years Mazeneth Mr. Manuel Julián Corrales in their capacity as private secretary to the governor's office, delegate to the conclusion of contracts for the time of the events, who participated in the contractual period for the purchase of school kits.

The irregularities occurred during the celebration of two supply contracts signed for the acquisition and purchase of school kits for students of educational institutions uncertified municipalities of the department of Magdalena.

The Attorney General found that the bidding process in advance for the purchase of these kits had no adequate studies, serious and sustained convenience and timeliness of recruitment, and it was not obtained in the market prices of the individual elements composing the kit school, with their respective specifications.

Stresses the single-instance decision that the purchase of the kits "did nothing to improve the quality of education for students of the department of Magdalena or to prevent school dropouts as noted in studies of convenience, first, because was demonstrated the relationship between the existence of dropout due to lack of supplies, and secondly, because the composition of the kits did not involve elements that contribute to minimize or avoid such a situation, with the exception of four books and composing it literacy primer. "

The Office also showed irregularities in the purchase of the backpacks that were part of the contract already mentioned which were acquired in terms of premium, a situation that allowed the contractor unreasonably increase their wealth.

Additionally, the backpack saw much of the budget of each kit, without explaining the contribution that this element occur in the normal functioning of educational establishments as stated Magdalena.

Against this single-instance decision an appeal for reinstatement to the same office of the Attorney General's Office.


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