Boletín 172

"98% of the Colombian population is honest": Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

As part of the national training of managers in the Official Bank is held in the La Fontana Bogota, Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, presented his scholarly conference "Public Ethics: a new Colombian citizen ", which highlighted the importance of building principles and values ​​from the family as a defense mechanism to the public and private corruption that overflows the country.

During his speech, the Chief Public Prosecutor said that the vast majority of Colombians are transparent, honest and "never been prosecuted." He told the 100 attendees that the values ​​are grounded in traditional society, and that "the law and regulation are considered as an instrument of social control," not as a measure of fairness, as was conceived in the classical notion.

Attorney supplemented the idea of ​​the state and the vision of the guarantees in the context of democracy, stressing that the principles and values ​​"should be recognized by law and are the ones who must give content to the norms and institutions" .

Similarly, Dr. Ordóñez Maldonado stated that address current social issues, labor and not enough to manage security policies for the top official of the Attorney General need to recognize that the cause of these phenomena are due to the "disappearance the natural setting in which principles and values ​​are transmitted: the family. "

Finally, Dr. Ordonez Maldonado, stressed the importance of the family and that "in the regeneration of the family is the principle of social regeneration, because the social pathologies are family diseases."


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