233 boletín
viernes, 9 marzo 2012 02:30 PM

"If there are many disciplined is because there are bad or poor prevention" Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado


"Most of the sanctions that we have to impose, rather than acts of corruption are the result of acts of ignorance or misunderstanding regulatory rules," he said Friday from the city of Cartagena Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado , who reminded mayors and governors of the country that the prosecution is a "traveling companion" since its preventive role is required to guide the authorities to avoid violating the legal and constitutional framework in our country.

"Through the preventive function corresponds to the Attorney come to the aid needed for accompaniments, required prior to any decision," he said.

In discussion with the development of departmental and municipal authorities of Bolivar and Atlantico, the attorney general called teamwork as a strategy to strengthen institutions.

"The scenarios of corruption or illegality are strengthened by our dislocation. Disruption in our different roles in the various responsibilities of the entities, "he said.

In the city of Cartagena, the chief of the Justice Department and the Prosecutor for the Decentralization and Local Authorities presented the results of the measurement on each of the indicators of the Open Government Index 2010-2011, preventive strategy of the District Attorney includes monitoring the compliance strategy for combating corruption in territorial governance.

The figures show that municipal level, only 23.2% in Atlantic and 27.7% in Bolivar meet the visibility settings of the hiring is done. 51.2% (Atlantic) and 37% (Bolivar) approve terms of citizen services through the new Information Technologies and Communications (ICT) and only 12.9% (Bolivar) and 32.6% (Atlantic) have implemented the Archives Act 594 of 2000.

"To learn more regulations, more institutions who know that they know what to do, you know where to go when there are flaws to the best performance of the functions and public policy" was the message from the attorney for governors and mayors of Colombia.

Speaking to the media
Dr. Alejandro Ordóñez referred to the crisis generated mobility in Bogotá by blocking the TransMilenio mass-transit system. He made it clear that the intention of the Attorney General is not co-manage the Colombian capital, tended closer ties between citizens and authorities to resolve the problem.
"We, in our preventative role and within our powers to us to make the necessary accompaniments, note what the eventualities and create scenarios for achieving the resolution of citizen disputes," he said.

Faced with the complex law and order situation faced by the department of Chocó, the chief public prosecutor informed that maintains constant contact with the governor of that part of the country and sent a message of solidarity with the affected population

"The circumstances are living in Chocó are very burdensome (...) I have full confidence that the authorities have such powers to fulfill their role and the institutional support."

Finally, the prosecutor commented on the changes at the top of the Prosecutor General's Office and the need to quickly and accurately designate the server to preside over that entity. "The institutions may not like the interim. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to provide the charges promptly. "

PGN | Fecha Publicación: viernes, 9 marzo 2012 02:30 PM

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